Desktop Tiny Vacuum Distillation System
An ultra-small batch vacuum distiller revolutionizes the bartending scene.
■装置概要-Product Overview-
The tabletop vacuum distiller from UZUMA Heavy Industries is an unparalleled ultra-small batch and maintenance-friendly vacuum distillation system worldwide. Its design philosophy sets it apart from traditional alembics and rotary evaporators popular in mixology scenes. Specifically engineered for bars and households, it specializes in producing high-quality and easily crafted aromatic distilled water and spirits like absinthe and gin, unlike any other in the market.
■装置特徴-Product Feature-
■High quality distillation with minimal damage to materials in a vacuum environment
The key feature of this distiller is its ability to perform 'vacuum distillation.' This distinctive capability allows distillation to take place at temperatures below 50°C, minimizing damage to heat-sensitive raw materials and enabling the creation of works that preserve the original aroma and flavor of the ingredients.
In vacuum distillation, the pressure inside the distiller is reduced below atmospheric pressure during the distillation process. An analogy often used is that cooking rice at the summit of Mount Fuji is not as delicious. This is because the lower air pressure at the summit causes water to boil at around 90°C, preventing it from reaching a sufficient temperature to cook the rice. By further reducing the pressure, the boiling temperature decreases even more. In other words, reducing pressure allows liquids to boil at lower temperatures, a principle applied in distillation known as 'vacuum distillation.'
By lowering the pressure inside the distiller, the boiling temperature can be lowered, thereby minimizing the heat damage to the material during distillation. This technique is particularly effective for fresh fruits, herbs, petals, and other materials with fresh and delicate aromas. In my experience, vacuum distillation is especially effective for extracting the essence of citrus fragrances, capturing the juicy and vibrant scent as if one were biting into the raw fruit.
In the same way that both atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation have different characteristics in shochu, there are cases in which atmospheric distillation is better suited to extracting punchy and powerful aromas from certain ingredients. It is not a matter of which is better, but of which is used according to the distiller's intention.
■High maintainability
Delicate handling, such as with the glass apparatus of the evaporator, is unnecessary, and cleaning can be easily done with a sense similar to washing dishes. Additionally, for the connections between the boiler, chiller, distillation fluid recovery bottle, and vacuum pump, all domestically produced one-touch fittings are adopted. With no need for tools, anyone can easily attach and detach them, ensuring a secure airtight seal. Due to the ease of detachment, tubes can be removed and stored individually when not in use.
巴波重工の卓上減圧蒸留器は、レシピの異なるごく少量のサンプルを蒸留して結果を比較する開発段階から、本番として瓶一本分を一度に蒸留するまでに特化し、ボイラー容量としては各段階に最適な0.5, 1L, 2Lをラインナップしています。
■Ultra small batch from 0.5L boiler capacity
In bartending or individual-scale distillation, boiler capacity is important , and using a 10L container to produce a 100ml batch of original bitters is both elaborate and inefficient, leading to significant waste.
Our tabletop vacuum distiller is specialized from the development stage of distilling small samples with different recipes for comparison to efficiently distilling a full bottle at once in production. It offers optimal boiler capacities for each stage, including 0.5L, 1L, and 2L.
■Middle cut operation while maintaining boiler vacuum
In vacuum distillation machines like rotary evaporators, there is a significant drawback due to their structure: in order to taste the accumulated distillate midway through the process, it is necessary to return the entire system to atmospheric pressure. This entails frequent re-establishment of vacuum, delicate handling of glass components, and other time-consuming tasks. Consequently, determining the middle cut, which crucially influences the quality of distillation, becomes practically difficult.
Our tabletop vacuum distillation machine addresses this issue by incorporating a valve between the chiller and the distillation fluid recovery bottle. By closing this valve, the vacuum state of the boiler can be maintained, allowing distillate to be collected at any desired moment. Periodic tasting of this distillate enables precise determination of the timing for making the middle cut.
Combined with its characteristic of ultra-small batch processing, this system allows, for instance, the distillation of a 100ml sample with distillate collection in 10ml increments. It even enables detailed monitoring of changes in aroma. Through this testing process, the middle cut timing for scaling up can be accurately determined.
■High Safety
If, for instance, redistillation of distilled spirits is carried out, in the case of atmospheric pressure distillation, high-temperature alcohol vapor is generated, leading to an increase in the internal pressure of the distillation apparatus. If there is a leak in the apparatus, this vapor can forcefully spray outside, posing a significant danger as it can lead to a fire incident if ignited.
In practice, during redistillation using an alembic, there have been several instances where the pressure from the generated alcohol vapor caused the lid to come off, resulting in the vapor igniting. Therefore, when conducting redistillation at a store, the alembic is considered extremely hazardous.
Vacuum distillation apparatuses, being under reduced pressure internally, theoretically eliminate the occurrence of steam blowing outwards. Moreover, if the apparatus were to break during distillation, the internal pressure would promptly return to atmospheric pressure, halting the generation of vapor. Additionally, as the heat source is through a water bath, the risk of ignition is minimal.
Due to its intrinsic safety features, vacuum distillation apparatuses are ideal for distillation in stores.
■Distillation without leaving the machine alone is possible.
The boiler is heated through a water bath, eliminating concerns about dry heating. Additionally, cooling is performed continuously using tap water, eliminating the need for periodic replenishment of ice water, as in the case of a simple glass distiller.
As a result, the distillation process can be left unattended. It is possible to carry out distillation while simultaneously performing other tasks such as preparation work.
■No aromatic leakage
In atmospheric distillers such as alembics and glass distillers, the aromatic compounds from the distillate can escape into the surrounding environment due to their structure, filling the work area with the fragrance of the distillate. In a vacuum distillation apparatus, all aromatic gases generated are collected in the distillation fluid recovery bottle, preventing any leakage of fragrance. Therefore, when using it in a store or at home before opening for business, there is no need to be concerned about lingering odors.